Sci:Pro Calculator iOS-8/iPhone-6 Compatibility

By Jerry News, Applications With Comments

The release of iOS 8 this week has revealed a compatibility issue with the current version of Sci:Pro Calculator (v1.2.1). This bug causes many of the symbols used on buttons, toolbars, pending operation indicator, and in history view expressions to display improperly. This is considered a critical issue and a fix has already been submitted to the App Store which should be available as soon as Apple approves it. The new version (v1.2.2) is considered an interim release that is meant primarily to fix a critical usability bug for existing users. A subsequent release is being worked on that will add better support for iOS 8 and the new iPhone 6/6+ devices as soon as possible. Sorry if this caused anyone trouble.

iOS 8 Display Issues

A low-level change in iOS 8 has caused the mechanism used to display symbols/images in Sci:Pro Calculator to stop working. This bug affects all users running the app on iOS 8 and the result is that many of the images used on button labels (especially in Scientific and Programmer modes) and in expressions shown in the history view will not display properly. This is considered a critical usability issue and a fix has been submitted to App Store for review. Anybody that has upgraded to iOS 8 should wait for the new release to become available before using Sci:Pro Calculator. The new release should be available very soon.

iPhone 6/6+ Support

Please note that neither the current version (v1.2.1) nor the forthcoming release (v1.2.2) of Sci:Pro Calculator have been designed to specifically support the new iPhone 6/6+ devices. Apple has claimed that applications designed to run on the iPhone 5s should run in a scaled compatibility mode on the new devices until they are updated to directly support the new hardware. I have not yet been able to independently confirm that Sci:Pro Calculator runs properly on either of the new iPhone devices yet. Some preliminary testing has been done using the developer tools and device simulators which has shown that there may be some potential layout issues with the keypad and LCD views. As a result, users may find that Sci:Pro Calculator does not properly utilize the higher resolution screens on the iPhone 6/6+ while running either v1.2.1 or v1.2.2. I would love to hear from any iPhone 6/6+ users regarding their experiences running Sci:Pro Calculator on the new hardware. (if interested, please use the contact page)

Work is currently underway to update Sci:Pro Calculator to fully utilize the new larger displays on the new iPhone 6/6+. A new version will be released as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience, I hope to have something out in the near future.

UPDATE: iOS 8 and iPhone 6/6+ support has been added and is now available in the App Store (v1.2.3). This should correct all known issues related to running on the new OS and iPhone devices. (Nov. 10 2014)